Everyone gets angry from time to time.  Sometimes people get so angry that they damage their relationships, careers, and ultimately themselves.  To differentiate anger from anger issues, consider these symptoms.

  • Frequent anger whether the issue is large or small
  • Intense outbursts that seem out of proportion to the situation
  • Verbal abuse which includes yelling, name-calling, or harsh demeaning language
  • Physical aggression like punching or kicking objects, throwing things, or direct physical violence to another
  • Difficulty calming down either before an explosion or afterward
  • Negative impact on relationships
  • Regretful behavior where afterward you are remorseful or wish you hadn’t acted that way
  • Blaming others and avoiding personal responsibility for your actions when angry
  • Physical symptoms such as headaches, rapid heartbeat, muscle tension or sweating when angry
  • Isolation – staying away from relationships or social situations for fear of getting angry

There are ways to understand your anger and express it differently.  There are ways to interrupt the anger response.  To learn more call today.